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new sewing table

Someday....I will have a sewing room that is JUST for sewing. It will be filled with fabric, ribbon, thread, buttons, and more. I dream of a white sewing table, white cupboards for storage from wall to wall, cute boxes for organizing my unlimited supplies, painted walls of Robin egg blue with accents of lime green, and hard wood floors (to save my vacuum). Someday....

For now...I love my new white sewing table (card table), storage underneath, my unlimited supply of thread, and accents of lime green (other accents include a treadmill, the computer desk, millions of toys, baby gear, etc).
This is 'my place' to create!


  1. YES!! I have that dream too Skye, and when you achieve it you will probably look back so fondly on your card table. Very cute.

  2. Don't we all have a similar dream? Gotta love these fun times in Medical and Dental school!!! :) LOL By far the cutest card table I have ever seen!

  3. I have to second Shanda - that is the cutest card table I've ever seen. Bel would crawl under that in no time flat

  4. It sure is nice to have 'a place' to matter the size. It's nice not to have to get stuff out and put it back away every time you want to be creative!

  5. looks so nice, best cardtable transformation I've seen! and if anyone deserves their dream of a craft room, it'd be you. Only a few more years....right?


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